The UN-NGO Connection:
A Global Platform to Spread Hate and Promote Terror


UN-accredited NGOs disseminate the hatred of Jews and the Jewish state. It is a message which is diametrically opposed to the purposes and principles of the United Nations. Here are their words.

Inciting Hate or Encouraging Anti-Semitism

The UN accredits and associates with NGOs that espouse anti-semitism. The anti-semitism takes various forms: demeaning remarks about Jews, abhorrence of the presence of Jews or so-called "Judaization", minimizing the Holocaust, claiming anti-semitism is feigned or grossly exaggerated, attempting to appropriate the language of Jew-hatred and apply anti-semitism to Arabs, denying that anti-zionism or the denial of the right of Jewish self-determination is a form of anti-semitism, equating Zionism with racism (see also Section II). One favorite of UN-accredited or associated NGOs is to highlight self-hating Jews or Jewish anti-semites, or to represent that this tiny minority are the only liberal and decent Jews. Here is a sampling of the commentary made by UN accredited NGOs.

  • "Al-Awda regards the Israeli definition of Jewish nationals, granting exclusive rights to citizenship and land to any Jew from anywhere in the world, as part of the racism and discrimination inherent in Zionist ideology."

    (Excerpt from "Points of Unity," Al-Awda, Accredited by UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People)

  • "I saw how the settlements are spreading everywhere like spores inhabited by pervert vagabonds who came from everywhere around the world to occupy this land."

    (Excerpt from "Trying Israel for its crimes," Arab Commission for Human Rights, Special Consultative Status ECOSOC)

  • "Our world is now faced with the emergence of a new type of Nazism... Zionism, with its inhumane ethnic, racist principles, with its devilish scheme which generate chaos all over the world, with its dangerous plans to dominate... with its beastly octopus which has almost a decisive role in directing the policies of the greatest countries in the world, cannot be viewed as a threat to this region alone, but to the whole world...It is depressing that European resistance to Nazi racist policies and occupation should have been hailed and glorified, while Palestinian resistance is described as terrorism."

    (Excerpt from "Zionism and Racism," EAFORD, Special Consultative Status ECOSOC)

  • "The propaganda apparatus of the national state-building Zionist movement has brainwashed much of the world."

    (Excerpt from "Judaism or Zionism," EAFORD, Special Consultative Status ECOSOC)

  • "There is an enormous difference between "recognizing Israel's existence" and "recognizing Israel's right to exist." From a Palestinian perspective, the difference is in the same league as the difference between asking a Jew to acknowledge that the Holocaust happened and asking him to concede that the Holocaust was morally justified...For the Jewish and Palestinian peoples, the Holocaust and the Nakba, respectively, represent catastrophes and injustices on an unimaginable scale that can neither be forgotten nor forgiven."

    (Excerpt from "What Israel's right to exist means to Palestinians," If Americans Knew, Accredited by UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People)

  • "Zionism is an ideology of Jewish nationalism that resulted in the political project of building a state for and by Jews in Palestine that was acquired through colonial settlement and ethnic cleansing. Zionists/Zionist organizations are those who support the maintenance of a Jewish settler state in historic Palestine based on destroying or undermining the safety, well-being, dignity and equity of Palestinians and others of the colonized area..."

    (Excerpt from "Israel's Worldwide Role in Repression," US Campaign to end the Israeli Occupation, Accredited by UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People)

  • "The Association opposes Zionism because of its exclusionist, aggressive and racist nature."

    (Excerpt from "Basis of Unity," Canada Palestine Association, Accredited by UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People)

  • "The Israeli government has built large ghettos by lining the West Bank, the border with Egypt, and the Gaza Strip with fences and walls. Of course, Gaza is the most complete Israeli "ghetto." The vast majority of Jews somehow fail to connect the situation of Gazans, and all other Palestinians living under Israeli occupation, to their own history of resistance and survival under occupation. This elision has created a twisted drama where Palestinians are sentenced to a Jewish fate."

    (Excerpt from "The Israeli ghetto," Alternative Information Centre, Accredited by UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People)

  • "Cruelty was the familiar air the persecuted Jews breathed during the Nazi period. Why should cruelty and disdain for others be the air that Israel makes Palestinians breath under its occupation! If only the injured injures, than those who were responsible for the persecution of Jews in Europe are also legally and morally responsible for the Israeli persecution of Palestinians too. Their silence now, as their silence then, is the ultimate betrayal...of the legacy of the Holocaust and Palestinians alike..."

    (Excerpt from "Written statement submitted by the International Organization for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (EAFORD), No Trial, No Advocate, No Verdict," UN Human Rights Council by EAFORD, Special Consultative Status ECOSOC)

The Demonization of Israel

The UN accredits and associates with NGOs that demonize or incite hatred of Israel. The demonization takes various forms: analogizing Israelis to Nazis, maintaining Zionism or the right of self-determination of the Jewish people is a form of racism, alleging Israel is guilty of the worst human rights violations known to humankind - racism/apartheid, genocide, ethnic cleansing, and claiming that Jews are conspiring to destroy Muslim holy sites. Here is a sampling of the commentary made by UN accredited NGOs.

  • "Australians for Palestine adopts the position that Israel is an apartheid state... Its policies are steeped in an exclusivist/supremacist ideology."

    (Excerpt from "About us," Australians for Palestine, Accredited by UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People)

  • "The Israeli leadership had intended and carried out the ethnic cleansing of most of the Palestinian population during 1948."

    (Excerpt from "Why Israel has silenced the 1948 story of Nazareth's survival," Malaysian Social Research Institute, Accredited by UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People)

  • "P4PD condemns the separation wall as a wall of apartheid."

    (Excerpt from "The Wall," Palestinians for Peace and Democracy, Accredited by UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People)

  • "One aspect – rarely researched or deeply discussed – is the internment of thousands of Palestinian civilians within at least 22 Zionist-run concentration and labor camps that existed from 1948 to 1955... for the Zionist strategists, prisoners were a burden in the beginning phases of the ethnic cleansing... "Gaza today is a concentration camp, no different than the past."

    (Excerpt from "On Israel's little-known concentration and labor camps in 1948-1955," Al-Awda, Accredited by UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People)

  • "The Zionist notion carries racist principles that keep producing Apartheid forms."

    (Excerpt from "War Crimes or War Against Humanity," Arab Thought Forum, Accredited by by Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD))

  • "Israel's active policy of ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from their homeland... Since September 2000, Israel, whether through their military or through settler violence has systematically murdered 6876 Palestinian civilians, of which a quarter of them were children."

    (Excerpt from "PNGO urges international community to end Israel's endemic impunity with regards to their ethnic cleansing policies," Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations Network, Accredited by UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People)

  • "The 21st Century is witnessing the most blatant ghettoisation of a people since the Second World War."

    (Excerpt from "The ghettoisation of Palestine - tourism as a tool of oppression and resistance," Third World Network, Roster Status with ECOSOC, Accredited by the UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People)

  • "The deliberate targeting of Palestinian children has become a notable feature of the Israeli occupation in the OPT... the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) have long killed, beaten, tortured, arrested and arbitrarily detained Palestinian children."

    (Excerpt from "Special Focus on Palestinian Children: Targeting Palestine Through Its Future," Al-Haq, Special Consultative Status ECOSOC)

  • "Israel's regime is no less racist than the South African one."

    (Excerpt from "Boycott Divestment and Sanctions – The Background," Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Accredited by the UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People)

  • "Because the very existence of the Arabs was a major obstacle to the creation of a purely Jewish Palestine, a strong tendency developed among the political Zionists to dehumanize the Palestinians and deny their existence as a community."

    (Excerpt from "Judaism or Zionism," EAFORD, Special Consultative Status ECOSOC)

  • "Apartheid in Israel is one of the worst because it is inherent in the very Zionist philosophy of the State and its apartheid system application of racist laws and practices."

    (Excerpt from "Written statement submitted by the International Organization for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (EAFORD). No Trial, No Advocate, No Verdict," UN Human Rights Council by EAFORD, Special Consultative Status ECOSOC)

  • "Palestinians living inside of the state of Israel face over 20 apartheid laws."

    (Excerpt from "Israel's Role in Worldwide Repression," US Campaign to end the Israeli Occupation, Accredited by UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People)

Condoning or Justifying Violence

The UN accredits and associates with NGOs that condone or justify violence against Jews either inside or outside of Israel. The violent programmatic takes various forms: the reference to killers as martyrs, support for armed or violent struggle or resistance, and the effort to redirect attention away from the violence and justify it by focusing on alleged "causes" of terrorism. Here is a sampling of the commentary made by UN accredited NGOs.

  • "Australians for Palestine recognises the right of Palestinians to legitimately resist Israel's oppressive occupation within the territories occupied in 1967."

    (Excerpt from "About Us," Australians for Palestine, Accredited by UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People)

  • "The rioting of Palestinian youth against the Israeli occupation is a sign of deep frustration...The current unrest should, therefore, be viewed in the broader context of Israel's colonial occupation and its harmful policies."

    (Excerpt from "Special Focus on Palestinian Children: Targeting Palestine Through Its Future," Al-Haq, Special Consultative Status ECOSOC)

  • "The Palestinian people's heroic resilience and resistance to Israel's denial of the Right of Return..."

    (Excerpt from "66 years of ongoing Nakba – Back to Basics: The Right of Return is a national and inalienable right," Al Mezan Center for Human Rights, Special Consultative Status ECOSOC)

Delegitimization of the State of Israel

The incitement to hate, the demonization of Israel, and the support for violence has a goal: the destruction of the state of Israel. Sometimes this goal is camouflaged, but some UN accredited or associated NGOs are quite clear about their intentions. The UN, therefore, accredits and associates with NGOs that espouse the destruction of a UN member state. This call takes various forms: objections to the legitimacy of the creation of Israel, references not to Israel but to an entity called "Israel/Palestine," putting references to Israel in quotation marks, calling for a one-state solution, and boycott, divestment or sanction campaigns intending to destroy the economic viability of Israel and the international relationships necessary for Israel's survival as a Jewish state. Here is a sampling of the commentary made by UN accredited NGOs.

  • "The following aims and objectives are being pursued...(d) Mobilising international condemnation for Israel's apartheid policies to be manifested through the boycott of Israel."

    (Excerpt from "Aims & Objectives," Friends of Al-Aqsa, Accredited by UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People)

  • "Individual consumers can show their opposition to Israel's Apartheid policies against the Palestinian people and violations of international law by participating in a consumer boycott of Israeli goods and services."

    (Excerpt from "Boycott Israeli Goods," Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Accredited by UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People)

  • "The World YWCA fully supports the Right of Return for Palestinians. The fabric of Palestinian lives was ripped apart between 1947-1949 when over 750,000 Palestinians were forced from their homes and lands. War, genocide, military rule, and terror have existed ever since."

    (Excerpt from "Palestine: The Right of Return," World YWCA, Accredited by UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People)

  • (Excerpt BADIL, ECOSOC Special Consultative Status)